A Great Beginners Cookbook

By : | 0 Comments | On : August 9, 2007 | Category : Recommended Products, Uncategorized

Keri, a reader of mine asked me the other day if I had a Mexican cookbook that she could buy. Unfortunately I don’t but I give very detailed directions in making the recipes you will find on this site.

Keri also mentioned that she recently is dating a man that she plans on marrying one day and would like to be able to cook well for him. She also has very little or no experience with cooking so finding a basic cook book would be helpful.

I decided to do a little research for her and found a beginner’s cookbook that would show her the basics. Things like how to set up a kitchen, photo’s of the finished product, cooking terms, how to measure, how-to’s for a variety of cooking procedures etc.

What did I find? Betty Crocker’s Cooking Basics. Click on this link and check out the positive reviews on this book.

One thing I really like about Amazon is that people can share their opinions about the products. This book got rave reviews. If you need a basic cookbook for yourself or a gift for someone else, check this out.

Have a great day,

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